
58 lines
1.5 KiB
Executable File

#build the bootloader image
. ./
. ./
. ./
print_help() {
echo "Usage: ./ output_path shim_path rootfs_dir"
assert_deps "cpio binwalk pcregrep realpath cgpt mkfs.ext4 mkfs.ext2 fdisk rsync"
assert_args "$3"
parse_args "$@"
output_path=$(realpath -m "${1}")
shim_path=$(realpath -m "${2}")
rootfs_dir=$(realpath -m "${3}")
echo "created loop device for shim"
shim_loop=$(create_loop "${shim_path}")
kernel_loop="${shim_loop}p2" #KERN-A should always be p2
echo "copying shim kernel to new file in /tmp"
mkdir $kernel_dir -p
dd if=$kernel_loop of=$kernel_dir/kernel.bin bs=1M status=none
echo "extracting data from kernel"
rm -rf $initramfs_dir
extract_initramfs $kernel_dir/kernel.bin $kernel_dir $initramfs_dir
losetup -d $shim_loop
echo "patching initramfs"
patch_initramfs $initramfs_dir
echo "creating disk image"
rootfs_size=$(du -sm $rootfs_dir | cut -f 1)
rootfs_part_size=$(($rootfs_size * 12 / 10))
#create a 20mb bootloader partition
#rootfs partition is 20% larger than its contents
create_image $output_path 20 $rootfs_part_size
echo "creating loop device for the image"
image_loop=$(create_loop ${output_path})
echo "creating partitions on the disk image"
create_partitions $image_loop "${kernel_dir}/kernel.bin"
echo "copying data into the image"
populate_partitions $image_loop $initramfs_dir $rootfs_dir "${args['quiet']}"
echo "cleaning up loop devices"
losetup -d $image_loop
echo "done"