#!/bin/bash #build a rootfs that uses a squashfs + unionfs #consists of a minimal busybox system containing: # - FUSE kernel modules from the shim # - unionfs-fuse statically compiled # - the main squashfs, compressed with gzip #this script is currently incomplete set -e if [ "$DEBUG" ]; then set -x fi . ./image_utils.sh . ./shim_utils.sh print_help() { echo "Usage: ./build_squashfs.sh rootfs_dir uncompressed_rootfs_dir path_to_shim" } if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]; then echo "this needs to be run as root." exit 1 fi if [ -z "$3" ]; then print_help exit 1 fi compile_unionfs() { local out_path="$1" local working_path="$2" local repo_url="https://github.com/rpodgorny/unionfs-fuse" local original_dir="$(pwd)" local core_count="$(nproc --all)" rm -rf $working_path git clone $repo_url -b master --depth=1 $working_path cd $working_path env LDFLAGS="-static" make -j$core_count local binary_path="$working_path/src/unionfs" cp $binary_path $out_path cd $original_dir } rootfs_dir=$(realpath $1) old_dir=$(realpath $2) shim_path=$(realpath $3) shim_rootfs="/tmp/shim_rootfs" root_squashfs="$rootfs_dir/root.squashfs" modules_squashfs="$rootfs_dir/modules.squashfs" kernel_dir=/tmp/shim_kernel unionfs_dir="/tmp/unionfs-fuse" echo "compiling unionfs-fuse" compile_unionfs $unionfs_dir/unionfs $unionfs_dir echo "creating loop device for shim" shim_loop=$(create_loop "${shim_path}") kernel_loop="${shim_loop}p2" #KERN-A should always be p2 echo "copying shim kernel" rm -rf $kernel_dir mkdir $kernel_dir -p dd if=$kernel_loop of=$kernel_dir/kernel.bin bs=1M status=progress echo "extracting initramfs from kernel (this may take a while)" extract_initramfs $kernel_dir/kernel.bin $kernel_dir $rootfs_dir rm -rf $rootfs_dir/init echo "removeing shim loop device" losetup -d $shim_loop echo "compressing old rootfs" mksquashfs $old_dir $root_squashfs -noappend -comp gzip echo "patching new rootfs" mv $unionfs_dir/unionfs $rootfs_dir/bin/unionfs cp -ar squashfs/* $rootfs_dir/ chmod +x $rootfs_dir/bin/* echo "done"