better rootfs patcher script

This commit is contained in:
ading2210 2023-10-20 08:04:19 -04:00
parent 0fa4e3f054
commit c4193c7657
5 changed files with 76 additions and 18 deletions

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@ -8,14 +8,20 @@ This is a set of scripts for patching a Chrome OS RMA shim to serve as a bootloa
- ~~switch_root into an actual rootfs~~
- ~~start X11 in the actual rootfs~~
- ~~ui improvements in the bootloader~~
- load all needed drivers
- autostart X11
- ~~load all needed drivers~~
- ~~autostart X11~~
- ~~host repo for patched systemd packages~~
- ~~use debootstrap to install debian~~
## Usage:
1. Grab a Chrome OS RMA Shim from somewhere. Most of them have already been leaked and aren't too difficult to find.
2. Download a [Devuan live ISO]( Run it inside a VM and install it to a disk image. Mount the disk image in the host. (Use `losetup -P` for this.)
3. Run `sudo DEBUG=1 ./`. The `rootfs_dir` argument should point to where you mounted the rootfs in part 2.
4. Flash the generated image to a USB drive or SD card.
2. Download a Chrome OS [recovery image]( for your board.
3. Clone this repository and cd into it.
4. Run `mkdir -P data/rootfs` to make a directory for the rootfs.
5. Run `sudo ./ data/rootfs bookworm` to build the base rootfs.
6. Run `sudo ./ path_to_shim path_to_reco data/rootfs` to build the base rootfs.
7. Run `sudo ./ image.bin path_to_shim data/rootfs`. This will generate a disk image at image.bin.
8. Flash the generated image to a USB drive or SD card.
## License:

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@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ if [ "$DEBUG" ]; then
. ./
. ./
. ./
print_help() {
@ -107,13 +106,7 @@ make_mountable "${shim_loop}p3"
safe_mount "${shim_loop}p3" $shim_rootfs
echo "copying data into the image"
populate_partitions $image_loop $initramfs_dir $rootfs_dir $rootfs_mount
#echo "copying modules into the rootfs"
#patch_rootfs $shim_rootfs $rootfs_mount || echo "failed patching rootfs"
#umount $rootfs_mount
#umount $shim_rootfs
populate_partitions $image_loop $initramfs_dir $rootfs_dir
echo "cleaning up loop devices"
losetup -d $shim_loop

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@ -95,7 +95,6 @@ populate_partitions() {
local image_loop=$(realpath "${1}")
local bootloader_dir=$(realpath "${2}")
local rootfs_dir=$(realpath "${3}")
local rootfs_mount=$(realpath "${4}")
#mount and write empty file to stateful
local stateful_mount=/tmp/shim_stateful
@ -111,8 +110,10 @@ populate_partitions() {
umount $bootloader_mount
#write rootfs to image
local rootfs_mount=/tmp/new_rootfs
safe_mount "${image_loop}p4" $rootfs_mount
cp -r $rootfs_dir/* $rootfs_mount
umount $rootfs_mount
create_image() {

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@ -7,20 +7,77 @@ if [ "$DEBUG" ]; then
set -x
. ./
print_help() {
echo "Usage: ./ shim_path reco_path rootfs_dir"
if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]; then
echo "this needs to be run as root."
exit 1
if [ -z "$3" ]; then
exit 1
copy_modules() {
local shim_rootfs=$(realpath $1)
local reco_rootfs=$(realpath $2)
local target_rootfs=$(realpath $3)
cp -r "${shim_rootfs}/lib/modules/"* "${target_rootfs}/lib/modules/"
cp -r "${shim_rootfs}/lib/firmware/"* "${target_rootfs}/lib/firmware/"
cp -r --remove-destination "${shim_rootfs}/lib/firmware/"* "${target_rootfs}/lib/firmware/"
cp -r "${reco_rootfs}/lib/modprobe.d/"* "${target_rootfs}/lib/modprobe.d/"
cp -r "${reco_rootfs}/etc/modprobe.d/"* "${target_rootfs}/etc/modprobe.d/"
copy_firmware() {
local firmware_path="/tmp/chromium-firmware"
local target_rootfs=$(realpath $1)
if [ ! -e "$firmware_path" ]; then
download_firmware $firmware_path
cp -r --remove-destination "${firmware_path}/"* "${target_rootfs}/lib/modules/"
download_firmware() {
local firmware_url=""
local firmware_path="/tmp/chromium-firmware"
local firmware_path=$(realpath $1)
git clone --branch master --depth=1 "${firmware_url}" $firmware_path
shim_path=$(realpath $1)
reco_path=$(realpath $2)
target_rootfs=$(realpath $3)
echo "mounting shim"
shim_loop=$(create_loop "${shim_path}")
make_mountable "${shim_loop}p3"
safe_mount "${shim_loop}p3" $shim_rootfs
echo "mounting recovery image"
reco_loop=$(create_loop "${reco_path}")
make_mountable "${reco_loop}p3"
safe_mount "${reco_loop}p3" $reco_rootfs
echo "copying modules to rootfs"
copy_modules $shim_rootfs $reco_rootfs $target_rootfs
echo "downloading misc firmware"
copy_firmware $target_rootfs
echo "unmounting and cleaning up"
umount $shim_rootfs
umount $reco_rootfs
losetup -d $shim_loop
losetup -d $reco_loop
echo "done"

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@ -9,13 +9,14 @@ if [ "$DEBUG" ]; then
sources_entry="deb [trusted=yes] ${custom_repo} ${release_name} main"
#add shimboot repos
echo -e "${sources_entry}\n$(cat /etc/apt/sources.list)" > /etc/apt/sources.list
tee -a /etc/apt/preferences << END
Package: *
Pin: origin "${custom_repo}"
Pin: origin ${custom_repo_domain}
Pin-Priority: 1001