
537 lines
21 KiB

use std::collections::BTreeSet;
use std::ffi::OsStr;
use std::fs::{self, File};
use std::os::fd::AsRawFd;
use std::os::unix::prelude::{OsStrExt, PermissionsExt};
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::process::Command;
use std::string::ToString;
use anyhow::{anyhow, Context, Result};
use base32ct::{Base32Unpadded, Encoding};
use nix::unistd::syncfs;
use sha2::{Digest, Sha256};
use tempfile::TempDir;
use crate::architecture::SystemdArchitectureExt;
use crate::esp::SystemdEspPaths;
use crate::version::SystemdVersion;
use lanzaboote_tool::architecture::Architecture;
use lanzaboote_tool::esp::EspPaths;
use lanzaboote_tool::gc::Roots;
use lanzaboote_tool::generation::{Generation, GenerationLink};
use lanzaboote_tool::os_release::OsRelease;
use lanzaboote_tool::pe;
use lanzaboote_tool::signature::KeyPair;
use lanzaboote_tool::utils::{file_hash, SecureTempDirExt};
pub struct Installer {
broken_gens: BTreeSet<u64>,
gc_roots: Roots,
lanzaboote_stub: PathBuf,
systemd: PathBuf,
systemd_boot_loader_config: PathBuf,
key_pair: KeyPair,
configuration_limit: usize,
esp_paths: SystemdEspPaths,
generation_links: Vec<PathBuf>,
arch: Architecture,
impl Installer {
pub fn new(
lanzaboote_stub: PathBuf,
arch: Architecture,
systemd: PathBuf,
systemd_boot_loader_config: PathBuf,
key_pair: KeyPair,
configuration_limit: usize,
esp: PathBuf,
generation_links: Vec<PathBuf>,
) -> Self {
let mut gc_roots = Roots::new();
let esp_paths = SystemdEspPaths::new(esp, arch);
Self {
broken_gens: BTreeSet::new(),
pub fn install(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
log::info!("Installing Lanzaboote to {:?}...", self.esp_paths.esp);
let mut links = self
// Sort the links by version, so that the limit actually skips the oldest generations.
links.sort_by_key(|l| l.version);
// A configuration limit of 0 means there is no limit.
if self.configuration_limit > 0 {
// Only install the number of generations configured. Reverse the list to only take the
// latest generations and then, after taking them, reverse the list again so that the
// generations are installed from oldest to newest, i.e. from smallest to largest
// generation version.
links = links
if self.broken_gens.is_empty() {
log::info!("Collecting garbage...");
// Only collect garbage in these two directories. This way, no files that do not belong to
// the NixOS installation are deleted. Lanzatool takes full control over the esp/EFI/nixos
// directory and deletes ALL files that it doesn't know about. Dual- or multiboot setups
// that need files in this directory will NOT work.
// The esp/EFI/Linux directory is assumed to be potentially shared with other distros.
// Thus, only files that start with "nixos-" are garbage collected (i.e. potentially
// deleted).
.collect_garbage_with_filter(&self.esp_paths.linux, |p| {
.and_then(|n| n.to_str())
.map_or(false, |n| n.starts_with("nixos-"))
} else {
// This might produce a ridiculous message if you have a lot of malformed generations.
let warning = indoc::formatdoc! {"
Garbage collection is disabled because you have malformed NixOS generations that do
not contain a readable bootspec document.
Remove the malformed generations to re-enable garbage collection with
`nix-env --delete-generations {}`
", self.broken_gens.iter().map(ToString::to_string).collect::<Vec<String>>().join(" ")};
log::info!("Successfully installed Lanzaboote.");
/// Install all generations from the provided `GenerationLinks`.
fn install_generations_from_links(&mut self, links: &[GenerationLink]) -> Result<()> {
let generations = links
.filter_map(|link| {
let generation_result = Generation::from_link(link)
.with_context(|| format!("Failed to build generation from link: {link:?}"));
// Ignore failing to read a generation so that old malformed generations do not stop
// lzbt from working.
if generation_result.is_err() {
// If there is ANY malformed generation present, completely disable all garbage
// collection to protect the old generations from being deleted. The user has
// to manually intervene by getting rid of the old generations to re-enable
// garbage collection. This safeguard against catastrophic failure in case of
// unhandled upstream changes to NixOS.
if generations.is_empty() {
// We can't continue, because we would remove all boot entries, if we did.
return Err(anyhow!("No bootable generations found! Aborting to avoid unbootable system. Please check for Lanzaboote updates!"));
for generation in generations {
// The kernels and initrds are content-addressed.
// Thus, this cannot overwrite files of old generation with different content.
.context("Failed to install generation.")?;
for (name, bootspec) in &generation.spec.bootspec.specialisations {
let specialised_generation = generation.specialise(name, bootspec);
.context("Failed to install specialisation.")?;
// Sync files to persistent storage. This may improve the
// chance of a consistent boot directory in case the system
// crashes.
let boot = File::open(&self.esp_paths.esp).context("Failed to open ESP root directory.")?;
syncfs(boot.as_raw_fd()).context("Failed to sync ESP filesystem.")?;
/// Install the given `Generation`.
/// The kernel and initrd are content-addressed, and the stub name identifies the generation.
/// Hence, this function cannot overwrite files of other generations with different contents.
/// All installed files are added as garbage collector roots.
fn install_generation(&mut self, generation: &Generation) -> Result<()> {
// If the generation is already properly installed, don't overwrite it.
if self.register_installed_generation(generation).is_ok() {
return Ok(());
let tempdir = TempDir::new().context("Failed to create temporary directory.")?;
let bootspec = &generation.spec.bootspec.bootspec;
// The kernel is a file in /nix/store/eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-linux-<version>/.
// (On x86, that file is called bzImage, but other architectures may differ.)
let kernel_dirname = bootspec
.context("Failed to extract the kernel directory name.")?;
let kernel_version = kernel_dirname
.context("Failed to extract the kernel version.")?;
// Install the kernel and record its path on the ESP.
let kernel_target = self
.install_nixos_ca(&bootspec.kernel, &format!("kernel-{}", kernel_version))
.context("Failed to install the kernel.")?;
// Assemble and install the initrd, and record its path on the ESP.
let initrd_location = tempdir
.context("Lanzaboote does not support missing initrd yet.")?,
.context("Failed to read the initrd.")?,
.context("Failed to copy the initrd to the temporary directory.")?;
if let Some(initrd_secrets_script) = &bootspec.initrd_secrets {
append_initrd_secrets(initrd_secrets_script, &initrd_location, generation.version)?;
let initrd_target = self
.install_nixos_ca(&initrd_location, &format!("initrd-{}", kernel_version))
.context("Failed to install the initrd.")?;
// Assemble, sign and install the Lanzaboote stub.
let os_release = OsRelease::from_generation(generation)
.context("Failed to build OsRelease from generation.")?;
let os_release_path = tempdir
.context("Failed to write os-release file.")?;
let kernel_cmdline =
assemble_kernel_cmdline(&bootspec.init, bootspec.kernel_params.clone());
let lanzaboote_image = pe::lanzaboote_image(
.context("Failed to assemble lanzaboote image.")?;
let stub_target = self
.join(stub_name(generation, &self.key_pair.public_key)?);
install_signed(&self.key_pair, &lanzaboote_image, &stub_target)
.context("Failed to install the Lanzaboote stub.")?;
/// Register the files of an already installed generation as garbage collection roots.
/// An error should not be considered fatal; the generation should be (re-)installed instead.
fn register_installed_generation(&mut self, generation: &Generation) -> Result<()> {
let stub_target = self
.join(stub_name(generation, &self.key_pair.public_key)?);
let stub = fs::read(&stub_target)?;
let kernel_path = resolve_efi_path(
pe::read_section_data(&stub, ".kernelp").context("Missing kernel path.")?,
let initrd_path = resolve_efi_path(
pe::read_section_data(&stub, ".initrdp").context("Missing initrd path.")?,
if !kernel_path.exists() && !initrd_path.exists() {
anyhow::bail!("Missing kernel or initrd.");
.extend([&stub_target, &kernel_path, &initrd_path]);
/// Install a content-addressed file to the `EFI/nixos` directory on the ESP.
/// It is automatically added to the garbage collector roots.
/// The full path to the target file is returned.
fn install_nixos_ca(&mut self, from: &Path, label: &str) -> Result<PathBuf> {
let hash = file_hash(from).context("Failed to read the source file.")?;
let to = self.esp_paths.nixos.join(format!(
install(from, &to)?;
/// Install systemd-boot to ESP.
/// systemd-boot is only updated when a newer version is available OR when the currently
/// installed version is not signed. This enables switching to Lanzaboote without having to
/// manually delete previous unsigned systemd-boot binaries and minimizes the number of writes
/// to the ESP.
/// Checking for the version also allows us to skip buggy systemd versions in the future.
fn install_systemd_boot(&self) -> Result<()> {
let systemd_boot = self
let paths = [
(&systemd_boot, &self.esp_paths.efi_fallback),
(&systemd_boot, &self.esp_paths.systemd_boot),
for (from, to) in paths {
let newer_systemd_boot_available = newer_systemd_boot(from, to)?;
if newer_systemd_boot_available {
log::info!("Updating {to:?}...")
let systemd_boot_is_signed = &self.key_pair.verify(to);
if !systemd_boot_is_signed {
log::warn!("${to:?} is not signed. Replacing it with a signed binary...")
if newer_systemd_boot_available || !systemd_boot_is_signed {
install_signed(&self.key_pair, from, to)
.with_context(|| format!("Failed to install systemd-boot binary to: {to:?}"))?;
.with_context(|| {
"Failed to install systemd-boot loader.conf to {:?}",
/// Translate an EFI path to an absolute path on the mounted ESP.
fn resolve_efi_path(esp: &Path, efi_path: &[u8]) -> Result<PathBuf> {
Ok(esp.join(std::str::from_utf8(&efi_path[1..])?.replace('\\', "/")))
/// Compute the file name to be used for the stub of a certain generation, signed with the given key.
/// The generated name is input-addressed by the toplevel corresponding to the generation and the public part of the signing key.
fn stub_name(generation: &Generation, public_key: &Path) -> Result<PathBuf> {
let bootspec = &generation.spec.bootspec.bootspec;
let stub_inputs = [
// Generation numbers can be reused if the latest generation was deleted.
// To detect this, the stub path depends on the actual toplevel used.
("toplevel", bootspec.toplevel.0.as_os_str().as_bytes()),
// If the key is rotated, the signed stubs must be re-generated.
// So we make their path depend on the public key used for signature.
("public_key", &fs::read(public_key)?),
let stub_input_hash = Base32Unpadded::encode_string(&Sha256::digest(
if let Some(specialisation_name) = &generation.specialisation_name {
generation, specialisation_name, stub_input_hash
} else {
generation, stub_input_hash
/// Install a PE file. The PE gets signed in the process.
/// If the file already exists at the destination, it is overwritten.
/// This is implemented as an atomic write. The file is first written to the destination with a
/// `.tmp` suffix and then renamed to its final name. This is atomic, because a rename is an atomic
/// operation on POSIX platforms.
fn install_signed(key_pair: &KeyPair, from: &Path, to: &Path) -> Result<()> {
log::debug!("Signing and installing {to:?}...");
let to_tmp = to.with_extension(".tmp");
.sign_and_copy(from, &to_tmp)
.with_context(|| format!("Failed to copy and sign file from {from:?} to {to:?}"))?;
fs::rename(&to_tmp, to).with_context(|| {
format!("Failed to move temporary file {to_tmp:?} to final location {to:?}")
/// Install an arbitrary file.
/// The file is only copied if
/// (1) it doesn't exist at the destination or,
/// (2) the hash of the file at the destination does not match the hash of the source file.
fn install(from: &Path, to: &Path) -> Result<()> {
if !to.exists() || file_hash(from)? != file_hash(to)? {
force_install(from, to)?;
/// Forcibly install an arbitrary file.
/// If the file already exists at the destination, it is overwritten.
/// This function is only designed to copy files to the ESP. It sets the permission bits of the
/// file at the destination to 0o755, the expected permissions for a vfat ESP. This is useful for
/// producing file systems trees which can then be converted to a file system image.
fn force_install(from: &Path, to: &Path) -> Result<()> {
log::debug!("Installing {to:?}...");
atomic_copy(from, to)?;
set_permission_bits(to, 0o755)
.with_context(|| format!("Failed to set permission bits to 0o755 on file: {to:?}"))?;
pub fn append_initrd_secrets(
append_initrd_secrets_path: &Path,
initrd_path: &PathBuf,
generation_version: u64,
) -> Result<()> {
let status = Command::new(append_initrd_secrets_path)
.context("Failed to append initrd secrets")?;
if !status.success() {
return Err(anyhow::anyhow!(
"Failed to append initrd secrets for generation {} with args `{:?}`",
vec![append_initrd_secrets_path, initrd_path],
fn assemble_kernel_cmdline(init: &Path, kernel_params: Vec<String>) -> Vec<String> {
let init_string = String::from(
.expect("Failed to convert init path to string"),
let mut kernel_cmdline: Vec<String> = vec![format!("init={}", init_string)];
/// Atomically copy a file.
/// First, the content is written to a temporary file (with a `.tmp` extension).
/// Then, this file is synced, to ensure its data and metadata are fully on disk before continuing.
/// In the last step, the temporary file is renamed to the final destination.
/// Due to the deficiencies of FAT32, it is possible for the filesystem to become corrupted after power loss.
/// It is not possible to fully defend against this situation, so this operation is not actually fully atomic.
/// However, in all other cases, the target file is either present with its correct content or not present at all.
fn atomic_copy(from: &Path, to: &Path) -> Result<()> {
let tmp = to.with_extension(".tmp");
let mut from_file =
File::open(from).with_context(|| format!("Failed to read the source file {from:?}"))?;
let mut tmp_file = File::create(&tmp)
.with_context(|| format!("Failed to create the temporary file {tmp:?}"))?;
std::io::copy(&mut from_file, &mut tmp_file).with_context(|| {
format!("Failed to copy from {from:?} to the temporary file {tmp:?}")
.with_context(|| format!("Failed to sync the temporary file {tmp:?}"))?;
fs::rename(&tmp, to)
.with_context(|| format!("Failed to move temporary file {tmp:?} to target {to:?}"))
/// Set the octal permission bits of the specified file.
fn set_permission_bits(path: &Path, permission_bits: u32) -> Result<()> {
let mut perms = fs::metadata(path)
.with_context(|| format!("File {path:?} doesn't have any metadata"))?
fs::set_permissions(path, perms)
.with_context(|| format!("Failed to set permissions on {path:?}"))
// Ensures the parent directory of an arbitrary path exists
fn ensure_parent_dir(path: &Path) {
if let Some(parent) = path.parent() {
/// Determine if a newer systemd-boot version is available.
/// "Newer" can mean
/// (1) no file exists at the destination,
/// (2) the file at the destination is malformed,
/// (3) a binary with a higher version is available.
fn newer_systemd_boot(from: &Path, to: &Path) -> Result<bool> {
// If the file doesn't exists at the destination, it should be installed.
if !to.exists() {
return Ok(true);
// If the version from the source binary cannot be read, something is irrecoverably wrong.
let from_version = SystemdVersion::from_systemd_boot_binary(from)
.with_context(|| format!("Failed to read systemd-boot version from {from:?}."))?;
// If the version cannot be read from the destination binary, it is malformed. It should be
// forcibly reinstalled.
let to_version = match SystemdVersion::from_systemd_boot_binary(to) {
Ok(version) => version,
_ => return Ok(true),
Ok(from_version > to_version)