use alloc::{vec::Vec, vec, string::ToString, format}; use uefi::{Result, Handle, prelude::{BootServices, RuntimeServices}, proto::{device_path::{DevicePath, media::{HardDrive, PartitionSignature}, DeviceType, DeviceSubType, text::DevicePathToText}, loaded_image::LoadedImage}, Guid, guid, table::{runtime::{VariableVendor, VariableAttributes}, SystemTable, Boot}, cstr16, CStr16}; use bitflags::bitflags; fn disk_get_part_uuid(boot_services: &BootServices, disk_handle: Handle) -> Result { let dp = boot_services.open_protocol_exclusive::(disk_handle)?; for node in dp.node_iter() { if node.device_type() != DeviceType::MEDIA || node.sub_type() != DeviceSubType::MEDIA_HARD_DRIVE { continue; } if let Ok(hd_path) = <&HardDrive>::try_from(node) { if let PartitionSignature::Guid(guid) = hd_path.partition_signature() { return Ok(guid); } } } Err(uefi::Status::UNSUPPORTED.into()) } /// systemd loader's GUID /// != systemd's GUID /// /// pub const BOOT_LOADER_VENDOR_UUID: VariableVendor = VariableVendor(guid!("4a67b082-0a4c-41cf-b6c7-440b29bb8c4f")); /// Lanzaboote stub name pub static STUB_INFO_STRING: &str = concat!("lanzastub ", env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION")); bitflags! { #[repr(transparent)] #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Default)] /// Feature flags as described in pub struct EfiLoaderFeatures: u64 { const ConfigTimeout = 1 << 0; const ConfigTimeoutOneShot = 1 << 1; const EntryDefault = 1 << 2; const EntryOneshot = 1 << 3; const BootCounting = 1 << 4; const XBOOTLDR = 1 << 5; const RandomSeed = 1 << 6; const LoadDriver = 1 << 7; const SortKey = 1 << 8; const SavedEntry = 1 << 9; const DeviceTree = 1 << 10; } } /// Get the currently supported EFI features from the loader if they do exist /// pub fn get_loader_features(runtime_services: &RuntimeServices) -> Result { if let Ok(size) = runtime_services.get_variable_size(cstr16!("LoaderFeatures"), &BOOT_LOADER_VENDOR_UUID) { let mut buffer = vec![0; size].into_boxed_slice(); runtime_services.get_variable( cstr16!("LoaderFeatures"), &BOOT_LOADER_VENDOR_UUID, &mut buffer)?; return EfiLoaderFeatures::from_bits( u64::from_le_bytes( (*buffer).try_into() .map_err(|_err| uefi::Status::BAD_BUFFER_SIZE)? )) .ok_or_else(|| uefi::Status::INCOMPATIBLE_VERSION.into()); } Ok(Default::default()) } bitflags! { #[repr(transparent)] #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] /// Feature flags as described in pub struct EfiStubFeatures: u64 { /// Is `LoaderDevicePartUUID` loaded in UEFI variables? const ReportBootPartition = 1 << 0; /// Are credentials picked up from the boot partition? const PickUpCredentials = 1 << 1; /// Are system extensions picked up from the boot partition? const PickUpSysExts = 1 << 2; /// Are we able to measure kernel image, parameters and sysexts? const ThreePcrs = 1 << 3; /// Can we pass a random seed to the kernel? const RandomSeed = 1 << 4; } } // This won't work on a big endian system. // But okay, we do not really care, do we? #[cfg(target_endian = "little")] pub fn from_u16(from: &[u16]) -> &[u8] { unsafe { core::slice::from_raw_parts(from.as_ptr() as *mut u8, from.len().checked_mul(2).unwrap()) } } // Remove me when lands pub fn cstr16_to_bytes(s: &CStr16) -> &[u8] { from_u16(s.to_u16_slice_with_nul()) } /// Ensures that an UEFI variable is set or set it with a fallback value /// computed in a lazy way. pub fn ensure_efi_variable(runtime_services: &RuntimeServices, name: &CStr16, vendor: &VariableVendor, attributes: VariableAttributes, get_fallback_value: F) -> uefi::Result where F: FnOnce() -> uefi::Result> { // If we get a variable size, a variable already exist. if runtime_services.get_variable_size(name, vendor).is_err() { runtime_services.set_variable( name, vendor, attributes, &get_fallback_value()? )?; } uefi::Status::SUCCESS.into() } /// Exports systemd-stub style EFI variables pub fn export_efi_variables(system_table: &SystemTable) -> Result<()> { let boot_services = system_table.boot_services(); let runtime_services = system_table.runtime_services(); let stub_features: EfiStubFeatures = EfiStubFeatures::ReportBootPartition; let loaded_image = boot_services.open_protocol_exclusive::(boot_services.image_handle())?; let default_attributes = VariableAttributes::BOOTSERVICE_ACCESS | VariableAttributes::RUNTIME_ACCESS; #[allow(unused_must_use)] // LoaderDevicePartUUID ensure_efi_variable(runtime_services, cstr16!("LoaderDevicePartUUID"), &BOOT_LOADER_VENDOR_UUID, default_attributes, || disk_get_part_uuid(boot_services, loaded_image.device()).map(|guid| guid.to_string() .encode_utf16() .flat_map(|c| c.to_le_bytes()) .collect::>() ) ).ok(); // LoaderImageIdentifier ensure_efi_variable(runtime_services, cstr16!("LoaderImageIdentifier"), &BOOT_LOADER_VENDOR_UUID, default_attributes, || { if let Some(dp) = loaded_image.file_path() { let dp_protocol = boot_services.open_protocol_exclusive::( boot_services.get_handle_for_protocol::()? )?; dp_protocol.convert_device_path_to_text( boot_services, dp, uefi::proto::device_path::text::DisplayOnly(false), uefi::proto::device_path::text::AllowShortcuts(false) ).map(|ps| cstr16_to_bytes(&ps).to_vec()) } else { // If we cannot retrieve the filepath of the loaded image // Then, we cannot set `LoaderImageIdentifier`. Err(uefi::Status::UNSUPPORTED.into()) } }).ok(); // LoaderFirmwareInfo ensure_efi_variable(runtime_services, cstr16!("LoaderFirmwareInfo"), &BOOT_LOADER_VENDOR_UUID, default_attributes, || Ok( format!("{} {}.{:02}", system_table.firmware_vendor(), system_table.firmware_revision() >> 16, system_table.firmware_revision() & 0xFFFFF) .encode_utf16() .flat_map(|c| c.to_le_bytes()) .collect::>() ) ).ok(); // LoaderFirmwareType ensure_efi_variable(runtime_services, cstr16!("LoaderFirmwareType"), &BOOT_LOADER_VENDOR_UUID, default_attributes, || Ok( format!("UEFI {:02}", system_table.uefi_revision()) .encode_utf16() .flat_map(|c| c.to_le_bytes()) .collect::>() ) ).ok(); // StubInfo // FIXME: ideally, no one should be able to overwrite `StubInfo`, but that would require // constructing an EFI authenticated variable payload. This seems overcomplicated for now. runtime_services.set_variable( cstr16!("StubInfo"), &BOOT_LOADER_VENDOR_UUID, default_attributes, &STUB_INFO_STRING.encode_utf16().flat_map(|c| c.to_le_bytes()).collect::>() ).ok(); // StubFeatures runtime_services.set_variable( cstr16!("StubFeatures"), &BOOT_LOADER_VENDOR_UUID, default_attributes, &stub_features.bits().to_le_bytes() ).ok(); Ok(()) }