use core::ffi::c_void; use alloc::vec::Vec; use goblin::pe::PE; use uefi::{ prelude::BootServices, proto::loaded_image::LoadedImage, table::{ boot::{AllocateType, MemoryType}, Boot, SystemTable, }, Handle, Status, }; /// UEFI mandates 4 KiB pages. const UEFI_PAGE_BITS: usize = 12; const UEFI_PAGE_MASK: usize = (1 << UEFI_PAGE_BITS) - 1; #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] fn flush_instruction_cache(_start: *const u8, _length: usize) { // x86_64 mandates coherent instruction cache } pub struct Image { image: &'static mut [u8], entry: extern "efiapi" fn(Handle, SystemTable) -> Status, } /// Converts a length in bytes to the number of required pages. fn bytes_to_pages(bytes: usize) -> usize { bytes .checked_add(UEFI_PAGE_MASK) .map(|rounded_up| rounded_up >> UEFI_PAGE_BITS) .unwrap_or(1 << (usize::try_from(usize::BITS).unwrap() - UEFI_PAGE_BITS)) } impl Image { /// Loads and relocates a PE file. /// /// The image must be handed to [`start`] later. If this does not /// happen, the memory allocated for the unpacked PE binary will /// leak. pub fn load(boot_services: &BootServices, file_data: &[u8]) -> uefi::Result { let pe = PE::parse(file_data).map_err(|_| Status::LOAD_ERROR)?; // Allocate all memory the image will need in virtual memory. // We follow shim here and allocate as EfiLoaderCode. let image = { let section_lengths = pe .sections .iter() .map(|section| { section .virtual_address .checked_add(section.virtual_size) .ok_or(Status::LOAD_ERROR) }) .collect::, uefi::Status>>()?; let length = usize::try_from(section_lengths.into_iter().max().unwrap_or(0)).unwrap(); let base = boot_services.allocate_pages( AllocateType::AnyPages, MemoryType::LOADER_CODE, bytes_to_pages(length), )? as *mut u8; unsafe { core::ptr::write_bytes(base, 0, length); core::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(base, length) } }; // Populate all sections in virtual memory. for section in &pe.sections { let copy_size = usize::try_from(u32::min(section.virtual_size, section.size_of_raw_data)).unwrap(); let raw_start = usize::try_from(section.pointer_to_raw_data).unwrap(); let raw_end = raw_start.checked_add(copy_size).ok_or(Status::LOAD_ERROR)?; let virt_start = usize::try_from(section.virtual_address).unwrap(); let virt_end = virt_start .checked_add(copy_size) .ok_or(Status::LOAD_ERROR)?; if virt_end > image.len() || raw_end > file_data.len() { return Err(Status::LOAD_ERROR.into()); } image[virt_start..virt_end].copy_from_slice(&file_data[raw_start..raw_end]); } // Image base relocations are not supported. if pe .header .optional_header .and_then(|h| *h.data_directories.get_base_relocation_table()) .is_some() { return Err(Status::INCOMPATIBLE_VERSION.into()); } flush_instruction_cache(image.as_ptr(), image.len()); if pe.entry >= image.len() { return Err(Status::LOAD_ERROR.into()); } let entry = unsafe { core::mem::transmute(&image[pe.entry]) }; Ok(Image { image, entry }) } /// Starts a trusted loaded PE file. /// The caller is responsible for verifying that it trusts the PE file to uphold the invariants detailed below. /// If the entry point returns, the image memory is subsequently deallocated. /// /// # Safety /// The image is assumed to be trusted. This means: /// * The PE file it was loaded from must have been a completely valid EFI application of the correct architecture. /// * If the entry point returns, it must leave the system in a state that allows our stub to continue. /// In particular: /// * Only memory it either has allocated, or that belongs to the image, should have been altered. /// * Memory it has not allocated should not have been freed. /// * Boot services must not have been exited. pub unsafe fn start( self, handle: Handle, system_table: &SystemTable, load_options: &[u8], ) -> Status { let mut loaded_image = system_table .boot_services() .open_protocol_exclusive::(handle) .expect("Failed to open the LoadedImage protocol"); let (our_data, our_size) =; let our_load_options = loaded_image .load_options_as_bytes() .map(|options| options.as_ptr_range()); // It seems to be impossible to allocate custom image handles. // Hence, we reuse our own for the kernel. // The shim does the same thing. unsafe { loaded_image.set_image( self.image.as_ptr() as *const c_void, self.image.len().try_into().unwrap(), ); loaded_image.set_load_options( load_options.as_ptr() as *const u8, u32::try_from(load_options.len()).unwrap(), ); } let status = (self.entry)(handle, unsafe { system_table.unsafe_clone() }); // If the kernel has exited boot services, it must not return any more, and has full control over the entire machine. // If the kernel entry point returned, deallocate its image, and restore our loaded image handle. // If it calls Exit(), that call returns directly to systemd-boot. This unfortunately causes a resource leak. system_table .boot_services() .free_pages(self.image.as_ptr() as u64, bytes_to_pages(self.image.len())) .expect("Double free attempted"); unsafe { loaded_image.set_image(our_data, our_size); match our_load_options { Some(options) => loaded_image.set_load_options( options.start, options.end.offset_from(options.start).try_into().unwrap(), ), None => loaded_image.set_load_options(core::ptr::null(), 0), } } status } }