{config, ...}: let sshExposeIp = ""; # TODO: change this to the public-facing IP for prod sshIntPort = 14022; httpIntPort = 14020; dom = "git.min.rip"; in { services.nginx = { virtualHosts.${dom} = { forceSSL = true; enableACME = true; locations."/" = { proxyPass = "${toString httpIntPort}"; }; }; streamConfig = '' upstream gitea { server${toString sshIntPort}; } server { listen ${sshExposeIp}:22; proxy_timeout 20s; proxy_pass gitea; } ''; # May not support IPv6, i'm unsure.. }; # Auto-create directories we need systemd.tmpfiles.rules = [ "d /srv/gitea 0750 1000 1000 - -" "d /srv/gitea/gitea 0750 1000 1000 - -" "d /srv/gitea/runner 0750 1000 1000 - -" ]; virtualisation.oci-containers.containers.gitea = { image = "docker.io/gitea/gitea:1.21.4"; environment = { USER_UID = "1000"; USER_GID = "1000"; GITEA_WORK_DIR = "/data/gitea"; GITEA_CUSTOM = "/data/gitea"; GITEA_APP_INI = "/data/gitea/conf/app.ini"; }; volumes = [ "/srv/gitea/gitea:/data" "/etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro" ]; ports = [ "${toString httpIntPort}:3000/tcp" "${toString sshIntPort}:22/tcp" ]; }; sops.secrets."svc-gitea-runner-env" = {}; virtualisation.oci-containers.containers.gitea-runner = { image = "docker.io/gitea/act_runner:0.2.6-dind-rootless"; environment = { GITEA_INSTANCE_URL = "https://${dom}/"; DOCKER_HOST = "unix:///var/run/user/1000/docker.sock"; }; environmentFiles = [config.sops.secrets."svc-gitea-runner-env".path]; volumes = [ "/srv/gitea/runner:/data" ]; extraOptions = ["--privileged"]; }; }